Live from New York : An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live by James...
Live from New York : An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live by James...
Explore the fascinating history of Saturday Night Live with this captivating book, Live from New York: An Uncensored History. Delve into the lives of the show's creators and cast members, from its inception in 1975 to its current reign as one of the most iconic shows in television history. Learn about the behind-the-scenes drama, the creative process that goes into each episode, and the groundbreaking moments that have made SNL a cultural phenomenon.
This hardcover book measures 9.5 inches in length, 6.5 inches in width, and 1.9 inches in height, with a weight of 32.4 ounces. It contains 608 pages of insightful commentary on the performing arts, as well as a detailed history and criticism of television genres and comedy. An illustration accompanies the text, making it an even more engaging read. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the uncensored history of Saturday Night Live!